Drop Bag Instructions for Your VT100

Drop Bag Instructions for Your VT100

You’ve got questions. We’ve got answers! So let’s jump into some VT100 drop bag instructions.

Here’s What You NEED to Know About Drop Bags at the VT100 

We cover basic drop bag instructions, which aid stations drop bags can be sent to, an FAQ you may be wondering about when it comes to Camp Ten Bear, and a courtesy reminder for how you can help our volunteers have a great day too. Further details are also located in: The Runner’s Handbook.

The Basics

The Details

100 Mile runners can send drop bags to the following Aid Stations:

100-km runners can send drop bags to the following Aid Stations:

An FAQ to Consider

Q. How should I mark my drop bags for Camp Ten Bear?

Since runners pass through twice, Camp Ten Bear is aid station #11 and aid station #17. There will be 2 drop bag areas; one area for #11, and one area for #17. If you want to use one drop bag for both areas, clearly mark the drop bag “Camp Ten Bear #11.” After you use the drop bag on your first time through Camp Ten Bear, drop the bag in the #17 pile before you leave and the bag will be there when you return.

Please Remember

Drop Bag - How NOT to PackAt the end of the day, The Vermont 100 is not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged bags or belongings.

Volunteers move upwards of 150 bags to each station and we do our best to do this carefully and with your best race in mind.

Pack appropriately! We e can not accept unreasonably large or unwieldy drop bags. The more stuff you cram into your drop bag, the more valuable time you’ll lose rummaging through it to find what you need. The image to the right is in fact a real thing that happened. One time we got luggage… don’t do this to our volunteers!

Thank so much and looking forward to helping you do your best on race day!

-The VT100 Volunteers

PS – Want to know more about prepping for your VT100? Check out our quick post for Your VT100 Weekend Checklist.

VT Adaptive Ski & Sport Headquarters
Attention: Amy Rusiecki
PO Box 139 Killington, VT 05751
Call: 1-802-786-4991
Email: vt100@vermontadaptive.org

Directions to Silver Hill Meadow, Site of the VT100 Endurance Race Start/Finish