*Blind Dates at the VT100 – Pacing/Being Paced by a Stranger

*Blind Dates at the VT100 – Pacing/Being Paced by a Stranger

Some runners don’t have the ability to travel with pacers, so they rely on the generosity of strangers to pace them.

Are you a pacer seeking a runner or runner seeking a pacer to help you at the VT100?

Well, you’re in luck – no need to ‘swipe right’ – just click the links below, enter your credentials, and you’ll meet your match in the twilight on Silver Hill… *sorta like a blind date for runners! 


You sign up through the form links above, then we do our best to make the match! If we find someone, we’ll get you synced up on Silver Hill on the Friday evening before the race.

Then following your initial introductions, you’ll both have a few hours to prepare for your first date, which begins after the runner’s second pass through the Camp Ten Bear aid station (~mile 31 for 100k, and ~mile 70 for 100m).

Runners, when you’re with your pacer during the race, your job is simple:

Run. And don’t let your pacer mule; you’re better than that… and it’ll get your DQ’d.

Pacers, once the race starts, you’ve got a bit more responsibility as your runner’s blind date: 

You will be responsible for keeping your runner on their target pace, on the correct trail, and regularly hydrating and refueling. However, don’t let the romance blossom too soon! Absolutely no physical aid may be given to your date. No matter how cute they are, you must not carry their food, fluids, or supplies of any kind. Muling is not a good look, and will disqualify your runner.


Think you’ve got what it takes to be a rockstar pacer at the VT100? Here’s what your blind date would love:

You should be cute an experienced runner, healthy, in good shape and conditioned adequately to run 30 miles over rough terrain.

It’s likely that your date will last overnight and into the wee hours of the early morning (no, not like that!); so you should be dressed accordingly, equipped with flashlights or a headlamp, and familiar with the distance between aid stations (pro-tip: pack an aid station cheat sheet and study the race profile! All of this can be found in our handy Resource Center).

Oh, and don’t forget, you can partake at aid stations and even have your own drop bags, but remember – you’re a cheap blind date; should also be adequately supplied with your own food and water at all times too.

Now go get ’em! If your date doesn’t have you swooning by sunrise, the finish line on Silver Hill will do the trick. And remember, while you won’t get any recognition for being a blind date at the VT100, your dating karma might and your running karma certainly will.

*Editor’s note: It should be fairly obvious, but pacing or being paced at the VT100 is not a romantic date. It’s a serious responsibility for those who are seriously interested in helping or being helped by someone to complete the race.

VT Adaptive Ski & Sport Headquarters
Attention: Amy Rusiecki
PO Box 139 Killington, VT 05751
Call: 1-802-786-4991
Email: vt100@vermontadaptive.org

Directions to Silver Hill Meadow, Site of the VT100 Endurance Race Start/Finish