2017 Movie Night – 8% No Limit

2017 Movie Night – 8% No Limit

This year’s Friday Night Feature will be the documentary, 8% No Limitstarring ultrarunner Rhonda-Marie Avery.

Step into the shoes of a runner who is blind, as she traverses Canada’s longest trail. In the summer of 2014, Rhonda-Marie Avery set out to run 885 kilometers across Canada’s toughest terrain – the Niagara Escarpment on the Bruce Trail – a feat that most would doubt is possible for sighted runners, much less a runner with 8% vision. This intimate documentary of her journey will redefine how you perceive disability in sport and in life.

The documentary screening will be kicked off by a panel with Rhonda Marie Avery, who will be running the 100km; Maggie Guterl, an Achilles International guide, who will be guiding Kyle Robidoux in the 100 miler; and Nipmuck Dave, a mobility impaired athlete who finished last year’s 100 miler with 6 minutes to spare and will be running the 100-miler again this year. Ask questions about what their challenges are, how they overcome them, or even what it’s like to guide a visually impaired runner!

VT Adaptive Ski & Sport Headquarters
Attention: Amy Rusiecki
PO Box 139 Killington, VT 05751
Call: 1-802-786-4991
Email: vt100@vermontadaptive.org

Directions to Silver Hill Meadow, Site of the VT100 Endurance Race Start/Finish